Hello! This page contains a few additional resources that aim to inspire how you might use this module in your classroom. Feel free to adapt any suggestions to your class needs.


  1. Identify flaws in definitions that limit possible examples of randomness.
  2. Build a better definition of randomness, clarifying important aspects of random examples.

Distributions and Randomness

  1. Consider how random events might be expressed over an area using knowledge of distributions.
  2. Explore the relationship between small samples, large samples, and distributions.
  3. Consider how randomness can effect waiting times and build into different distributions.
  4. Recognise the process of random sampling from distributions.

Spatial Randomness

Waiting Times

You can find more documentation on Scampy here.

Other Examples

This section of the Randomness Module provides additional examples, highlighting how randomness may be seen in everyday life, biology, chemistry, and physics. It is recommended that these are used to further explore randomness after considering the definition of randomness and it’s relationship with distributions.

  1. Explore and discuss everyday examples using the previous skills attained in the definition and distribution sections.
  2. Explore diffusion as an example of randomness in chemistry with connections to sample size and fluctuations about the mean.
  3. Consider how random events build into a distribution with a radioactive decay example.

This site has been created as part of my PhD thesis on perceptions of randomness. I am always keen for feedback, so please email me any thoughts you have via amy.renelle@auckland.ac.nz. Thank you to my supervisors, Dr. Stephanie Budgett and Dr. Rhys Jones, for their guidance throughout my project. I would also like to thank Anna Fergusson for her help inspiring and creating this website. You can find the references for this site here.